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Awards & Recognitions

January 2014


KATRU was awarded $189,377 as grant funding under the Australian Federal Government's Clean Technology Innovation
Program. KATRU won the grant after a competitive process with other potential carbon reduction technologies of the
future. Funds will be used to field test the high efficiency IMPLUX Wind Power Turbine concept in a full scale prototype.
The testing project is expected to cost around $400k, with matching funding provided on a 1:1 basis.

July 2013


Katru Eco-Inventions has again been selected as one of the top 30 cleantech companies to participate in the next round
of the 2013 Australian Clean Technologies Competition. According to the competition organisers, "the judges had the
hard task of assessing each of the 150 entries with the aim of short listing those that have the 'greatest potential' to be a
commercial success and thereby facilitate the greatest environmental benefits."

All winners will get two months of mentoring in the Cleantech Business Accelerator Program before having to submit
business plans for further judging. The overall Winner will also participate in the Global Competition in the US in

The International Market Entry Acceleration Program, a new initiative this year, provides KATRU with an exciting
opportunity to attend a trade mission to Hong Kong, Nanjing (China) and Singapore, from 3-13 November to meet with
potential partners, customers and investors connected through an individual business matching service in each location.
The trade mission to the Asian region will be a great opportunity for KATRU to introduce IMPLUX technology to the

March 2013


The IMPLUX Wind Power Turbine was a Finalist in the GE Australia & New Zealand Low Carbon Ecomagination Challenge
of 2012.  The Challenge is a $10 million innovation experiment where businesses, entrepreneurs and innovators share
their best ideas on how to develop a Low Carbon future.

At the Innovation Awards event held on the 19th of March at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, the Chairman
and CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt presented $100,000 each to the five winners in recognition of their innovative and
entrepreneurial ideas.

July 2012


Katru Eco-Inventions was selected as one of the top 30 cleantech companies to participate in the next stage of the 2012
Australian Cleantech Competition. The Semi-Finalist  winners were chosen from a national field of entrants across the
spectrum of clean technology activity, including transportation, smart power, green grid, energy storage, green building,
renewable energy, energy efficiency and air/water/waste management. All the winners will participate in the Cleantech
Business Accelerator Program, including an opportunity to pitch their businesses to international and local investors at the
Investment Showcase at the Melbourne Convention Centre. This will be a dedicated stream of presentations run in
conjunction with the Future Build conference from the 2nd to 4th of October.

Dr. Marc Newson, from the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education said, "Going by
the calibre of entrants for this year's competition, Australian Cleantech is extremely well placed to prosper at home and
in the global market. Some of the technologies are world class." The judging panel consisted of private sector experts in
innovation and business commercialisation.

September 2011


The new wind turbine energy extraction limits theory which the IMPLUX Wind Power Turbine research and development
work contributed to has now been featured in a new book Innovation in Wind Turbine Design (Jamieson, P. 2011. Wiley -
Blackwell Publishing). The book addresses the fundamentals of wind turbine design, methodologies for technology
evaluation and the application of existing engineering knowledge to further advance wind technology.

The author Peter Jamieson, a long time established expert in the wind turbine design field, performed the validation work
of the IMPLUX turbine and subsequently developed the limits theory. One chapter of the book has been dedicated to the
IMPLUX technology.

May 2011


[Click here to view video - condensed version]

The IMPLUX Wind Power Turbine was featured in a special edition of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s television
show New Inventors featuring renewable energy technology.
Varan Sureshan, the inventor was interviewed by a panel of judges about the source of the idea and the development of
the invention. A live demonstration of the 1/10th scale model operation was conducted.

Subsequently, the IMPLUX design was featured in internet and print magazines in multiple languages resulting in several
product queries from a number of countries.

January 2008


IMPLUX Wind Power Turbine R&D work contributed towards the development and formulation of the latest theory on
energy extraction limits by DNV-GL (Garrad Hassan) in January 2008. This work was peer-reviewed and published
through Wiley InterScience in the reputable Wind Energy magazine (Jamieson, P. Wind Energy. 2008).

The theory was also reviewed by international experts and accepted at the International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex
XI/XX  - Wind Energy - Aerodynamics Experts Meeting on 14/15 June, 2007 at Risø, Denmark.

The theory, detailing Universal Energy Extraction Limits from fluid velocity fields in modified flows was presented in the
scientific track at the European Wind Energy Conference in April 2008 in Belgium. (EWEC 2008 Powerpoint Presentation /
EWEC 2008 Conference Paper).

September 2007


The IMPLUX Wind Power Turbine won an award as a 'Finalist' in the Engineering Excellence Awards 2007 (Sydney
Division). The turbine featured within the Innovation & Invention category in the Institution of Engineers Australia's
showcase of innovations across the full range of engineering disciplines. The award is a result of a state wide
competition for the recognition of outstanding achievements in the advancement of the science and practice of
engineering. (Click here to view Implux video clip)

KATRU’s Managing Director, Varan Sureshan was presented with the Finalists Award certificate at the award
presentation evening held at The Westin Grand Ballroom in Sydney, Australia. A video of the operating model was shown
at the ceremony. Photographs and a summary of the invention were published in the showcase book currently being
widely distributed to the engineering industry.

Copyright KATRU 2014